It is our mission of Love Alive Ministries to follow the biblical standards and principles that have been established by our founders, Bishop Willie Mosby and the late Mother Norma Mosby - founders of Gethsemane Church of the Living God Apostolic Faith.
Love Alive Ministries is an extension of Gethsemane Church founded by Dr. Keith D Mosby Sr. and Elect Lady Lorraine Mosby. Our mission is to teach the unadulterated word of God to its members, new converts, and the community at-large. One of our goals is to help prepare the youth to make ethical choices over their lifestyles by instilling in them the word of God. Love Alive Ministries offers a comprehensive solution to the issues faced by the youth today; by empowering them to become leaders and productive citizens in the Kingdom of God. Our youth call themselves the "Future Voices". How prophetic is that!
We are a 501-C-3 non-profit organization. Our objective is to build a community of believers where all people, especially the youth, are encouraged to develop their fullest potential through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.